Message 1 BY: Vin

Dear Hassan,

Your “easy persian” web site has been very helpful to me in learning Farsi. I had already bought 3 Farsi books, but your site has been much easier to understand. I wanted to thank you because I’m trying to learn Farsi to better understand the Prayers and Writings of the Bahá’í Faith.

Am I correct in assuming that you wrote the “Reminded Way” message? It mirrors many of the teachings and principles of the Bahá’í Faith.  The very first line caught my eye, “The same people who stood against all the prophets will stand against the truth .” (see below list of principles – third line down). The following in an analogy which is in our writings that is very similar to what you are saying “If we are lovers of the light (God), we adore it in whatever lamp (Prophets sent from God) it may become manifest, but if we love the lamp itself and the light is transferred to another lamp, we will neither accept nor sanction it. Therefore, we must follow and adore the virtues revealed in the Messengers of God–whether in Abraham , Moses, Jesus or other Prophets–but we must not adhere to and adore the lamp. We must recognize the sun, no matter from what dawning point it may shine forth, be it Mosaic, Abrahamic or any personal point of orientation whatever, for we are lovers of sunlight and not of orientation. We are lovers of illumination and not of lamps and candles. We are seekers for water, no matter from what rock it may gush forth. We are in need of fruit in whatsoever orchard it may be ripened. We long for rain; it matters not which cloud pours it down. We must not be fettered. If we renounce these fetters, we shall agree, for all are seekers of reality (Truth).” The parenthesis are mine.

The principles of the Bahá’í Faith were established in Persia by Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Faith, in the latter half of the nineteenth century and promulgated by His Son and appointed successor, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá during a tireless twenty-nine year ministry. While on an historic teaching trip in 1912 throughout the United States and Canada, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá explained Bahá’u’lláh’s Teachings to audiences of infinitely varied backgrounds. Many of His talks included discussions on the following Bahá’í principles:

If your interested in any further information on any of the above principles, the site below will be very helpful:

Again, mamnoonam for providing a site that makes Farsi more understandable.


Sunday, November 30, 2003 5:53 PM

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