The same people who stood against all the prophets will stand against the truth.
This is not a religion. I am not a prophet. Like each and every one of you, I am a man filled with sins and worldly desires. I have been reminded to remind you all. I am just a reminder. No one can reach the only God except through God. I am not here to convince any of you. No one should be convinced to love. I am not going to bring you religious “Do’s and Don’ts”. I am not introducing a new religious rule. I am just a reminder. I have been reminded to tell you all that the heart of each and every one of you is a temple, a mosque, a church, a synagogue, a place of God’s presence. The presence of God is limited if we seek Him in our worshiping places only. God is in every single part of the existence. The heart of each single being is to proclaim the presence of God. God has been wrongly limited to praying places. I have been reminded to take God from all external places into your heart. Feel God in your hearts and you will see Him in everything around you. Shine God through your hearts over all the existence and you will see that each existence bears God with it. I have been reminded to give a torch of light to every one of you to take it with you. Take the light with you instead of leaving it in your praying rooms. The light is to lighten you not the buildings. The light is to warm you not the heartless stones.
I have been reminded to tell you all that all messengers of God have grown the same fruit on different trees with different methods of gardening. The messengers are not the final goal. The messengers are the ways to the final destination. I have been reminded to tell you all that the final destination is forgotten. You have chosen the ways for your final destination. You have mistaken the leaders for the leading purpose.
Each existence is a part of Him. Nothing comes into existence and nothing will stop existing. Existence is a part of God. Things transform from one shape into another. No one can eliminate existence from God. No one can take God away from the existence. God was, is, and will be forever, and ever, and ever. Existence is a part of God and every single thing bears His existence. Every single thing transforms from one shape into another. Nothing stops existing just as nothing comes into existence. Existence is a part of God that was, is, and will be existing forever, and ever, and ever. The shapes of things change, their names disappear, but their existence transforms into another existence. Man dies and his body transforms into soil, plant, worms, and even into the body of others. His spirit transforms from one world into another without ceasing to exist. Our deeds will automatically put us in different layers just the same way as our abilities put us in our own social level. Different people are in different layers, which will take them all the way long to eternity.
What was God doing before the creation of the universe? And what God will do after the universe ends? There is no “before” and “after”. There is no limit in time. Delete all the existence from this universe. There will be no place for God, because He exists. When He exists, existence exists. There is no limit. Existence will never expire.
This is the way. I am just a reminder. I have been reminded to give the light to every one of you to take it with you. Just let others hear the way and do not try to convince anybody. The argument exists because we want to establish and support our own idea. Let the argument transform into love and friendship. He is not assigned to only be your God. Do not think like children. He is the God of all. This is His name. No one can ever limit Him in his own idea even if he is not able to understand it. I am discarded if I do not belong to your movement, and I am supported if I join your movement. The people of one religion will love me if I am part of them and the same people will dislike me if I stop believing in their religion. I have been reminded to tell you all that the main purpose is forgotten. Religions have become your final destination. You have limited God into your own beliefs.
No one will hate you if you have God in your heart, living with Him in your room, talking to Him in your own private. Have the light in your hearts and lighten your room, and do not make others angry. You will have the final destination, no matter where you are, when you live, whom you belong to. Talk to your love in your own private, in your bed, at work, or in shower. Ceremonial boastings will lead into disagreements. The final destination will be replaced with worldly characters and beliefs.
Let’s focus on the leading purpose. Let’s offer and receive love and friendship, no matter if the person does not believe in our belief. The heart of all will focus on One without having to join a way to seek Him. There will be no mass movement. There will be no disagreement. We will all be in one direction. We will be all God-centered. The heart of each of us will love One. We will take God from the worshiping places into our hearts. We are all in one direction. We are all saying one thing. We all love One. Do not focus on the ways or you will remain in eternal darkness.
I am not to abolish any religion. I have been reminded to fulfill them all. I have been reminded to gather you all around one and the only light. I have been reminded to invite you all to concentrate on the leading purpose rather than the leaders. Religions have been the spiritual necessity of the societies. Man needed to know the source to which he belongs. People would live on separate lands away from each other. They had known their own beliefs. They had followed their own ways. They would not accept other’s ways. Prophets were inspired to guide the people. Prophets were inspired to show the real source to the people. Prophets were inspired to bring them unity in one source. Prophets were inspired to gather the people around the living light. Prophets were inspired to save people. They had their own means of communication with limited numbers of people. They had to proclaim the truth through the way the people of certain places would understand. People focused on the prophets. People forgot the mission of the messengers. People claimed the prophets to be their own. There is no favoritism in the presence of God. I have been reminded to remind you all that the purpose is forgotten. God loves different parts of His body. Existence exists in the presence of His existence. There is a unity between Him and the existence. Each and every part of the body should work harmoniously together in order to reach the final goal. No part of the body is the final goal. They should work together to help the body reach the final goal. To know the brain as the instructor of the body, to act and react in harmony based on the instruction received from the brain is the final goal of these different parts of the body. No parts should be concentrated as the final destination. No parts should be disregarded for its less important role within the entire body. This is not the goal. The whole existence in harmony is receiving the instruction from the brain. God is the brain, the instructor of the entire body to live in peace and harmony together. Love others, help others, live in peace with others and do not concentrate on the ways. The ways are not the final goal. The ways are to help you reach the final goal.
God is in each and every one of you. He is in direct contact with all parts of the body. The existence is a part of His existence. Feel God in your heart without filtering Him with different filters.
Prophets had their own responsibility. Prophets have accomplished their mission as they had been told. Man needed the instructions. Man received the instructions. Man felt God. There is no more responsibility on the shoulders of the prophets. Man had thousands of years to respect what he has been told. There is no more responsibility on your teacher’s shoulders if you do something different after graduating from your school. You had enough time to build your personality. Every one of you has received the instructions. It is now up to you to choose your own way of life. It is now up to you if you receive and use the teachings positively. It is now up to you if you receive and use the teachings to be a negative person in the society. Teachers have no more responsibilities for you. Every one of you will be judged through your own deeds. Your deeds will automatically put yourselves in certain levels in the society. Your deeds will automatically take your spirit into a certain layer. Feel God in your hearts and offer love and friendship to remain in higher layers. Your spirit will remain in the layer you have established through your own deeds. Existence never ends. Our time to live in this world will expire. Our existence will not stop. Our spirit will never end. It will live eternally in the layer we have established through our deeds. Nothing will be eternal if it does not come from an eternal root. Existence is a part of God who was, is, and will be forever, and ever, and ever. Those who are in higher layers will have blessed spirits during the next lives. Those who are in lower layers will remain lower in the lives to come. Life never ends. The spirits will transform from one world to another. The spirits will transform from this world into next based on the layers you have established through your deeds. It will transform eternally. Life never ends. Universe will not end. Existence existed, exists, and will be existing eternally. Existence is a part of God.
I have been reminded to reveal all we are supposed to know. The next life is not the end of the world. Existence is vibrant. Existence never stops. Our body will transform into soil, ashes, plants, dust, and even into the body of others. Our spirit will transform from one world into another eternally. Existence is a part of God who existed, exists, and will be existing forever, and ever, and ever. There is no beginning and there is no end. Things transform from one shape into another, from one world into next. Those who have put themselves in higher layers through their own deeds will move in higher layers eternally to the light. Those who have put themselves in lower layers through their own deeds will move in lower layers eternally deep into the darkness. They have diverted their own way through their own action. They have judged themselves based on their own deeds. Every one of us is his own judge. I have been reminded to reveal the untold truth. I have been reminded to fill the cups based on their capacity. I have been reminded to reveal all we can understand. The knowledge of God is flowing in existence. There is nothing that is not shaped of God’s knowledge. What is shaped of knowledge must have a knowledgeable and logical explanation. This is the God’s way even if you deny it. Children learn through stories and adults learn in their own ways. No teacher has ever taught children what he is supposed to teach the adults. How much do you think you know? I have been reminded to fulfill the mission of revealing the truth. This is a free gift. No one should be convinced to accept it. There is no need to convince any body. There is no more responsibility on anybody’s shoulders to save your life. You have been told what you are supposed to know. Each and every one of you is responsible for his own destiny. Your deeds will automatically put you in the layer you establish through your actions. This is justice. There is no favoritism. There is no injustice in God’s presence.
You had thousands of years to respect the instructions. The prophets have accomplished their mission as they had been told. The prophets did not concentrate on themselves as the final goal. People have chosen the ways for the leading purpose. No religions will save you. Love and live in friendship and peace. Help others. Respect each and every part of the body for they are all in one direction. These parts are not the final goal. Respect the brain through following the instructions you have been receiving from him to live in peace and harmony.
People of different nations pray differently. They offer their love in their own ways. There is no measure to weigh the love. There is no measure to give priority to the love they have in their hearts. No one can be confident that his love is deeper than others’ are. Do not concentrate on the ways. Love is borderless. Love is colorless. Love is measureless. Love is accepted by every single existence. The way love is offered may differ from one place to another. Its final goal is the same in all nations. Do not concentrate on the ways that will bring you hatred. God comes in love and leaves in hatred.
People of different nations love God in their own ways. Do not concentrate on the ways. No way is more important than the other is. They are growing the same fruit on different trees with different methods of gardening based on different geographical locations. Take the fruit to reach the final goal and do not argue on the methods of gardening if there is nothing wrong with you. Love and live in friendship and peace with others. No praying will make God happier than offering love and friendship to others. God does not need your prayers. He is not in need. Show your love through action. Live in peace and harmony with others based on the instructions you have received. No father has ever asked his children to praise him day and night. The words the children offer to their father do not satisfy him wholeheartedly. Blessed are those who know their father as their closest friend and protection. Blessed are those who respect their father by obeying his commands. Blessed are those who do good deeds based on the instructions they have received from their father. Blessed are those who respect their father. God does not need your wordy praises. Be in love with every single part of the body to make the brain satisfied. Love wholeheartedly. Feel the presence of God within you. No matter where you are and how you reveal your Godly love. Talk to Him as much as you need. In your own private, ask Him to give you anything that is good for you. He is your closest friend. He knows better than you do that what is good for you. Do not stand on ceremonial boastings. God is in you and you are in God. You are a part of God. You belong to His existence. He is closer than your blood vessels to you. Look for Him in you and you will find Him.
Every one of you will have his own resurrection. Every one of you will face his own individual judgment. Existence is vibrant. The way does not stop. Each and every child who is born keeps on his own life without having to wait for all children to come. Each and every one of you whose time is expired in this world will enter into the next world without having to wait for others to come. Each and every one of you is judged through his own deeds. Your body will transform into soil, plant, dust, ashes, and even into the body of others. Your spirit will keep on moving from this world into the next. Life is vibrant. You had enough time to build your own layer through your deeds. You have judged yourself based on what you have done. No one has ever condemned a court for punishing a murderer. No one has ever stood against a court for punishing a person who has committed a crime. No one has ever protested against a court for releasing an innocent prisoner. This is justice. Each and every one of you will receive back what you have done. Resurrection is individual. Existence is a part of Him. Existence will go on. Existence will never stop. Things transform from one shape into another, from one world into next. Every single spirit will move on to eternity on the layer you have established through your own deeds. Existence will never end. Your time to live in the previous world expired. You were born. You died the previous life and entered this world. Your time to live in this world will expire. You will die in this world to be born in the next world. Existence is vibrant. Your time in different periods will expire. Life will move on to eternity. Existence is a part of God who was, is, and will be forever, and ever, and ever. I have been reminded to remind you all that every one of you will face the next life at the time he leaves this world. Resurrection is individual. He will move on the layer he has established during his stay in this world. I have been reminded to remind you all that those who are moving on higher layers will be filled with such a joy that they would wish they had not have to wait for that in this world. I have been reminded to tell you all that those who are moving on lower layers will face such a bitter experience that they would wish they were not a part of the existence. You will have no more time to change the layer you have established through your deeds. Those who are in higher layers will move on eternally to the light. Those who are in lower layers have diverted their own way through their own deeds. They will move on eternally deep into the darkness. Every single person of you is responsible for what he is doing now. There is no more responsibility on the shoulders of others to save you. I have been reminded to tell you all that you have been revealed what you are supposed to know. I have been reminded to fulfill the mission of revealing the untold truth.
I have been reminded to ask you all if you are sure those who do not believe in your religion will face eternal darkness in the lives to come. I have been reminded to ask you all if you were sure the messengers of God would have arguments if they had lived together under one roof. I have been reminded to tell you all that your messengers, whose names you are proclaiming as your own and the only way, would stand against all of you to make each and every one of you understand that this is not what they had been teaching you. I have been reminded to warn you all that none of your messengers came to abolish and stand against the other one. They all belong to one source. They have been saying One. They have loved One. They have been introducing One. They have been growing the same fruit on different trees with different methods of gardening. I have been reminded to warn you all to not focus on the methods if there is nothing wrong with you. I have been reminded to tell you all that all the messengers, whose names you are proclaiming as the only way, have come to bring you peace, love, and friendship. They have come to gather you all in love. They have come to plant love in the heart of each and every one of you. Do not follow your own purpose to separate them. Do not follow your own ideas to fight against others under the name of your messengers. Help each other and love others to be accepted. No matter where you are and how you reveal your Godly love.
I have been reminded to warn you all that none of your messengers came to establish a government. They have come to bring the kingdom of love, peace and comfort to each and every one of you. I have been warned to warn each and every one of you to prevent the huge bloodshed that will cover the surface of the globe under the name of religion, before it is too late. Fear God’s wrath for it is as huge as His love, and you know how deeply He loves you. I have been reminded to remind you all that God sent laws to the nations when there were no reliable sources to follow. He sent laws to the nations when people were busy worshiping their idols. He sent laws to the nations who were not educated enough to decide on the rules of their nations properly. I have been reminded to warn you all that God’s words must not be used as tools in the hands of any kind of any ruling authorities. I have been reminded to inform you all that it is now the people of the nations who should decide on choosing their ruling authorities based on the education, knowledge, and social awareness they have acquired. I have been reminded to remind you all that the educated societies you have got today make your situation different from the societies of your ancestors. Do not replace your father’s idols with your messengers. I have been reminded to inform you all that God’s words and remembrance is to purify your hearts. Purified hearts will establish sound communities, and sound communities will introduce trustworthy people. Do not use God’s words as tools in your hands to rule over your nations. Peoples of each and every nation should decide on their own governments. I have been reminded to remind you all that the education you receive through the educational system of your societies should be used on running the nation. I have been warned to warn you all that there is no more responsibility on the shoulders of any messenger to save your destiny. You have been revealed what you should know.
Love one another as your messengers have loved you. Love others as God has loved you. God is in you as your brain in your body. God is flowing in existence. Do not make Him a shining giant sitting on the clouds in the sky. Existence is a part of Him. Do not destroy His existence. Each and every one of you will receive back what you have done. This is justice. You are automatically putting yourselves in the layers you establish through your own deeds. Remember how your actions label you in a certain social level.
I have been reminded to invite you all to love people and your surroundings, to be in relation with those around you, and to spend time with your family and neighbors as much as you can. I have been reminded to invite you all to help those in need. All peoples, regardless of their background and religious ideas, are parts of the existence of God even if they themselves are not aware of it. Each and every single thing around you is a part of His existence. Do not let these single parts of Him be in trouble. Help others as much as you can to make Him happy. You are not asked to do something beyond your ability. Your neighbor should not go to bed hungry while you have enough food in your home. Do not look down on needy people. Love is measureless. Love is borderless. Love is colorless. I have been reminded to ask you all if you are sure your love is deeper than theirs is. I have been reminded to invite you all to respect the existence of God through respecting the nature and each and every single part of the existence. I have been reminded to invite you all to live in peace with your surroundings. I have been reminded to invite you all to travel widely to see the belief of the peoples of different nations without passing judgment on them. You will see that they all love One in their own ways. I have been reminded to remind you all that different parts of your body are in harmonious communication with each other to satisfy the brain. They are all in one direction without focusing on a single part as of more important one. I have been reminded to invite you all to follow this single example if there is nothing wrong with you.
I have been asked to reveal the untold truth in several pages for you to enjoy until the end of your stay in this world. Do not focus on the ways. God is in you and you are in God. Do not deny others a simple sympathy, a simple smile, or a friendly word if you cannot find them a way out of their difficulties. Love to be loved, and be in relations with others as much as you can. Remember that there is always a better way to respond than taking revenge. Existence is a part of God who was, is, and will be forever, and ever, and ever. Each person makes his own layer through his own deeds, which will take him all the way long to eternity just in a similar way as your actions put you in certain levels in the society. Life never ends. Each and every single person will die his current life to start the next life without having to wait for others to join him. Each person will see his own resurrection at the time he leaves this world to keep on his way to eternity. Trees grow, things change, and time passes. Do not expect life to stop. Life is a part of His existence, which is vibrant. God is flowing in existence. Existence transforms from one shape into another without ceasing to exist.
I have been reminded to tell you all that from now on you are all reminded. Those who have received the message of God are His messengers. Your savior is inside you now. No one can ever change your destiny if you do not want it. Do not put your responsibilities on the shoulders of your spiritual savior to come and save you. Open your heart and accept the savior God is planting in you now. Feel the spirit of truth in you. Live in God’s love. Prune yourself. Save others.
This is the way. The way is not your final destination. The way is to help you reach the final destination. Blessed are those who respect God’s word. Glorified are those who live in God’s message. Doomed are those who misinterpret the will of God to reach their own goals. Lost are those who worship the leaders for the leading purpose. Destroyed are those who focus on the way as the final goal. Misled are those who try to convince others to accept the way. Dead are those who stand against the way of God. No one will have the right to support this way against others. Take the light with you and lighten your heart. Just let others hear the way. I am not going to introduce a new mass movement. I am not going to establish a new religion. I am not going to convince any of you. I am not the one you should worship later. I am just a reminder. There is no more responsibility on the shoulders of any messenger to save your life. You are revealed what you are supposed to know. You have received the spirit of truth. This is justice. Follow the God’s way if there is nothing wrong with you. I am just a reminder.
God has asked me to tell all the religious leaders that you may crush the reminder as you have already done with His other messengers. It is the God’s will that you will fail to kill.
Those who believe that this is God’s word are welcome to respect and follow it. Those who believe that this is not God’s word are free to put it on fire. No one has ever the right to call them the unbelievers who will face eternal darkness. You love your beloved because you love your beloved, not because you fear your beloved. No one should be convinced to love. Children may obey their father because they fear him. Children love their father because they are aware of the importance of his presence, not because they fear him. Fathers love their children because they are part of their father’s existence. God is not your father. He is closer than your father is to you. Do you know Him?
How often does a young man remember his beloved? Love is his remembrance. God is more friendlier to you than any beloved is, if you can understand Him. Remember Him in love not because of fear.
Respect your time for it is as short as a short sad sigh. To children, seventy years is a lot of time. Ask a seventy-year old person to find out how short this time is. Do not replace an eternal joy with this short period if you are wise. Enjoy your time as deep and happy as you can. Do not trouble others. Be patient with others for God has been patient with you.
Imagine it is winter. You have five children and live in a small room that is not yours. Your children are sick for weeks. You have nothing to take them to hospital. One morning your boss tells you that the company does not need you any more. You lose your job in such a moment when you need it more than ever. On your way back home, you see people gathered behind your door. When you get closer, you find your wife badly hurt. Something has happened to her. You have nothing to take her to hospital. When night comes, everybody leaves you alone and goes to their own way. In the middle of the night, you hear someone knocking at your door. It is the landlord who is demanding the room rent that is delayed for weeks. He asks you to look for another place from the next day. You end up nights sitting among your sick children and wife in pain. Your pain is too big to let you go to bed. Then one morning, you hear someone knocking at the door. You do not want to open it to anybody in this situation. The person keeps on knocking and asks you to open the door. You get up and open the door, expecting to receive some more bad news. In your surprise, you see your old friend at the door, who has been looking for you in this city days and nights. You invite him in. In your surprise, he pays you enough to take your family to a hospital. He also pays your debts. This person saves your life. To you, he is a respectable person who has saved your family in such a dark and lonely night. You feel you need to respect him. To you, he is important because of the job he has done for you. It does not mean you should deny the role of a vehicle to take your family to hospital. It does not mean you should deny the role of doctors who tried to save your family. It does not mean you should deny the role of medicine that treated your family. It does not mean you should deny your old friend’s mission that made him respectable in your eyes. The mission was to save your family, not to introduce a respected person. Someone else could be respected if he had saved your family. Your landlord could take the mission, but he failed. Not everyone can accept the mission. Not everyone can be a messenger. However, everybody could be saved. To save your family, you needed all of them. But, what is important to you is to save your family not to choose the kind of vehicle. Messengers are all respected because of their mission, not because God wanted to introduce respectable people to the world. He wanted to unite the world in one word to keep them safe. Do not replace the leading mission with the leaders. This is God’s word if you want to hear Him.
Do not try to convince anybody. Do not worry if they do not accept God’s way. Not everyone can be pruned. Life has many dimensions. Do not make it a one-way growth. Those who prune themselves will grow deeper. Those who do not prune themselves will keep on their own way. No gardener has ever grown a tree without any waste part on it. One will need to build fire with the useless parts of trees! A fruitless branch is also a part of a fruitful tree. Life has many dimensions. How much do you think you know? Look for Him in you and you will find Him.
You are invited to read these few pages from time to time to understand His message deeper, and to keep His words alive and producing in you. God has revealed Himself to you in a short and understandable message so that you will have no more excuse to follow the beliefs of other human that separate the ways to God. This is the way. Explore it to find all man-separated ways in one. Open your heart and accept the peace God is planting in you.
In travel, no one builds a permanent house on his way. Existence is in continuous transformation towards eternity. Man is just one part of this existence. Man cannot stay in one world forever. Look at everything around you and you will see that life is growing. Death is the opposite side of growth. Your spirit will transform from one world into next towards eternity. Existence is vibrant. Existence is a part of God. God is the opposite side of death. You do not have eyes because you need your eyes. You have eyes because it is part of your existence. You do not grow because you need it to mature. You grow because you are not dead. God is not dead. Growth is the characteristics of the one who is alive. The knowledge of God is shown through existence that is moving to eternity. You do not create parts of your body later when you think you need them. You have them because it is part of your existence.
This is what you have been eager to know about past, present, and future. This is the spirit of God to plant knowledge in your mind and heart. This is the time you can bear this knowledge. This is the time you should face and receive the spirit of truth that will bring you love, unity, and peace. God has never failed keeping His promises. Those who stood against all the messengers of God will stand against the truth. They are free to destroy their own life and the life of those who follow them. However, they are not given the power to change the will of God. How much do they think they can? Your deeds will automatically take you in your own level on the way to eternity. This is justice. You are revealed in simplest words what God had promised to let you know. There is no more responsibility on the shoulders of anybody to save you. Teachers make students ready for their tests. Ultimately, it is the students who should accomplish their tests by themselves. No teachers have ever done tests for their students. The messengers of God have the mission of making you ready through revealing the way. They have no more responsibility to do the duty that is put on your shoulders. Their mission is to show you the way through planting the spirit of truth in you to save you. Your savior is the spirit of truth who is not a person. Your savior is the knowledge God is planting in you now. Open your mind and welcome the knowledge of God to your life. Experience the feeling of living in God’s knowledge if you want to see the layers of your spirits in the worlds to come. Experience the feeling of living in truth if you want to live in peace. Experience the feeling of knowing the source and the destination if you want to live in unity. And, experience the feeling of loving God in love if you want eternal joy in your heart.
Wake up and see how deeply God loves each and every one of you. Wake up and follow the truth God is planting in you now. Wake up and live in unity and peace God is introducing to each and every one of you. Wake up and you will see that God comes in love and leaves in hatred. Wake up and you will know that God has never changed His word. Wake up to love Him in love. Wake up and you will respect Him in love, not in fear. Wake up and you will see how close He is to all of you. Wake up and get on the ark before it is too late.
October 2002 – January 2003
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